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We Are 10 Years Strong


Thanks to you, we have made significant strides in our mission to end the cruel and horrific dog and cat meat trade in China.

This milestone would not have been possible without your help. We appreciate your support!

Over the last decade, we have focused on:

  • Compassion programs

  • Animal care

  • Advocacy

Compassion Programs

Duo Duo Project hosts community events that allow people to experience first-hand how much dogs and cats contribute to the well-being of humans.

Painting contest. Photo Credit: Andrea Gung

We introduce hundreds of kids to the first dogs and cats they have ever met.

In Mudanjiang where there is a prolific dog meat trade, we built the Mudanjiang Youth Compassion Center, where locals can have dog and cat-focused experiences to increase their appreciation of and compassion for dogs and cats. Thanks to the impact of this facility, Mudanjiang has now recognized Duo Duo Project as a registered NGO. With our 1+1=Happiness program, underprivileged children receive support for their school books and uniforms by spending time with our shelter dogs.

Animal Care

China has the world’s largest stray animal population. Sadly, these terrified strays are the primary source of casualties in the meat trade. When Chinese activists stop trucks full of dogs bound for the slaughterhouse, our team helps set up triage and provides medical treatment for these terrified animals.

Spay and neuter training. Photo Credit: Andrea Gung

Besides having two of our own shelters, Duo Duo teams share best practices and resources with other shelters. We bring veterinarians from the U.S. and Taiwan to teach veterinary students more humane procedures. And our ‘Adopt Don’t Buy’ programs spread the word about the love and companionship that dogs and cats bring to families.


Stop Yulin Protest. Photo Credit: Andrea Gung

China has laws against the dog and cat meat trade but they are seldom enforced. We collaborate with students, activists, and lawyers who are diligently working to persuade civic leaders to strengthen and enforce existing animal welfare laws.

We’ve lent our expertise to animal welfare organizations that are committed to creating an effective nationwide animal welfare law.

We asked local authorities to ban dog meat restaurants near our Youth Compassion Center in Mudanjiang - and they did! We also convinced a major meal delivery platform in China to partner only with restaurants that don’t serve dog and cat meat.

To learn more about our work over the last 10 years click on this link here.

Thank you for your generous support!!

With your help, our team is on the ground 365 days a year in China, advancing animal welfare and exposing the truth about the brutal Yulin Dog Meat Festival and the illegal dog and cat meat trade it supports.

In the next 10 years, Duo Duo Project will work with communities, cities, and officials across China to:

  • Ban dog and cat restaurants

  • Build a shelter system with adoption programs

  • Practice humane treatment of stray animals

  • Implement spay and neuter strategies

Working to ban dog and cat restaurants. Photo Credit: Andrea Gung

To achieve this, we have already established a strategic partnership to encourage key cities across China to commit to transforming their inhumane practices. Cities that accomplish this goal will be given accolades and the title of “Compassion City”.

With your help, we can achieve so much more in the fight against the dog and cat meat trade. Your donations will save the lives of millions of innocent cats and dogs across China.

Shelter dogs on a sunny day. Photo Credit: Duo Duo Project

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